IFDI offers a very low cost database where diving instructors from any organizations may register all the certifications of their divers. IFDI is a neutral world. IFDI did not create its own standards. IFDI simply follows the regularly updated international ISO standards.
IFDI also offers a free of charge pedagogical support as well as a payable online diving log book. The IFDI log book may be digitally signed by all the instructors in the world as well as by the dive buddies who are registered as a "20m Diver" or a higher level.
The IFDI instructors are all legitimate: They submitted their ID and their instructor diploma (which we reviewed), before gaining access to the ability to register the certifications of their divers or to sign the IFDI log book.
Sooner or later, Internet might be more polluting than the airline industry. IFDI refuses to contribute to this pollution. IFDI opted for a low energy design (very few images on screen) for a better environment.
Indeed, each transfer of data consumes energy. The so-called "clean and renewable" energies also produce heat. So, the only real solution for a better environment is to reduce our consumption of energy. The entire structure of IFDI is designed to consume as little energy as possible.
For example, a dark background color (such as blue) consumes less energy than a white background. Another example, IFDI does not store and display your ID photo on your certification card. By default, the certification card is in a pure html format which consumes much less data than a jpeg format. Less data transferred means less energy consumption, and therefore, a better environment.
A third example: All the lines of code of IFDI have been written by its founder with a small portable computer entirely powered by solar energy. IFDI is full of many other small details which would simply be too long to enumerate here. In short, the minimalist philosophy of IFDI optimizes its ecological behavior.
At IFDI, ecology is not only a nice word written on a screen... Ecology is within our daily attitude and fundamental structure.
IFDI is a fully automated platform that offers a secured connection: https... Your account password is protected by the latest technologies. On top of this, your data
are regularly saved on two different places, totally separated from the server.
Except for the use of the Google translation in 90 languages, IFDI is 100% self sufficient and 100% custom made. Because of these 2 qualities, IFDI is a very reliable website and it allows a very quick loading on your devices.
IFDI doesn't store credit card information. The online payments are supported by 2Checkout: A gateway that is trusted by millions of users. IFDI accepts payments with credit cards, debit cards, and via PayPal. The payments at IFDI are done under the United States law.
Olivier Dauxais, born in 1970. Diver in apnea at 7 years old. Scuba diver at 14 years old. Professional instructor since 1990, Olivier became in 1993 the first instructor who has been awarded the PADI diploma of recognition for excellence. Having now more than 25 years of experience and over 10.000 dives.
The scuba diving is among the rare sports that are not based on contest. But, paradoxically, all the different diving organizations claim to be better than the others. Even worse, the diploma of the diving instructors is only valid within their current organization, with each organization rejecting the instructors from another, through expensive crossover fee. This is an obvious commercial strategy... But, is this really fair? For example: Does a baker obtain his diploma only valid for one brand of flour? Of course not. In front of this situation, my love for fairness and freedom has been the main reason that pushed me to create IFDI: A neutral world that serves all the scuba divers and instructors regardless of their current organization.
Other organization: You forgot your certification card / diving license?
DAN insurance: Diving insurance for scuba divers and instructors.